Blog4:Challenges of the project

 Blog4:Challenges of the project

In the last blog, we discussed the importance of game sound and the process of designing and producing it. Now, I'd like to talk to you about the challenges in my project.

The technical challenge

 I am very new to PureData software, which means I need to going to spend a lot of time starting to learn PureData from the beginning. For example, PureData uses a graphical interface for programming, which may be a challenge for me who is used to text programming. Although I have already learnt Max/msp, it will take me some time to understand and familiarise myself with the various parts of the PureData interface, to understand the concepts of objects and connections, as well as the process of how to create and edit sound effects. There are also many different objects and function modules in PureData, each with its own specific purpose and parameters. This is also what I need to spend some time learning what these objects do and how to use them to make the sound I want.

Luckily, as PureData is an open source software, though there are many video tutorials or books about it available on the internet.

Here are two videos on Youtube about Pure Data which I have been watching recently. They are very detailed, so I can start from a white paper and then learning step by step with the videos.
 All of these resources have made my journey to learn PureData much easier.

Time management

I mentioned above that it took me some time to learn PureData from scratch, and actually time management was a challenge for this project. This is because it took a lot of time to get this project done, both in terms of pre-project preparation (e.g. learning PureData, thinking about the types of sounds to make, thinking about how to make the kit more accessible, etc.) and sound design and production. I need to balance work, study and life to make sure the project can be completed on time.

So my supervisor adviced me to use a time management tool online. I am using one now, which is called Monday work management. It helped me a lot. I always foeget things,even deadlines. But now everything, every work is very clear. It is a good solution for the time management challenge.

Insufficient creativity

Creativity is a very important thing when it comes to sound design. But there will always be times when you feel short of ideas and don't know how to design new sounds or how to make ideas into real sounds. This can lead to stagnation in the project or unsatisfactory results.

For me, the first solution is to go out into the real world more to experience the various sounds of nature, and then go out into the game world and listen closely to the game sounds to see how they differ and what they have in common. And the different sounds might give me inspiration and creativity.

The next step is to go to the internet and look for kits made by others or videos on making game sounds. Refer to how others did it and then design your own game sound toolkit with my own ideas.

Here are some videos about other people making game sound:

Here is the end of the blogs, thank you for reading it. 


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